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The SCADA/DMS/OMS solution realizes the information collection and control of intelligent sensing terminals at all levels of the power grid. It can not only provide a smarter and more efficient way of predicting and responding to power outages, but also improve the level of informatization, visualization and efficiency of utilities with the latest network status and advanced prediction engine.



    The SCADA/DMS/OMS solution realizes the information collection and control of intelligent sensing terminals at all levels of the power grid. It can not only provide a smarter and more efficient way of predicting and responding to power outages, but also improve the level of informatization, visualization and efficiency of utilities with the latest network status and advanced prediction engine.



    1.Standard based international

    2.Powerful protocol library & integrated capabilities

    3.Intelligent analysis, including intelligent alarming, intelligent fault process and speedy troubleshooting

    4.Rich graphic display and Data Mining

    5.Support convenient deployment of prefabricated modulars and traditional data center deployment


    1.Locate&solate fault and recover system automatically

    2.Support for all major control systems, improve information utilization efficiency for customers

    3.Quickly provide power supply restoration services to improve power supply reliability and customer satisfaction



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